The python language is often used to build websites using frameworks, one of the most famous of which is Django.
Here are easy instructions on how to build a Django development environment.
①conda create -n name python=3.7 # create python env in Anaconda if you installed already
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
conda env list # confirm that the development env has been created
②pip install Django==3.2.18 # install Django framework
Successfully installed Django-3.2.18
③pip install mysql # install
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools":
solution: 1.install the C++ compile environment
microsoft C++ Build Tools → C++ CMake tools for windows / C++ /CLI support for v142 build tools (14.29-16.11) mysqlclient and install local
④install MySQL # Mysql has a community version that is completely free and can be downloaded and installed from the web
mysql -u root -p # login mysql with root auth
CREATE DATABASE database_name; # create a database
my.ini # disable the ssh to improve perfomance as from Mysql5.7 the default ssl setting is able
[mysqld] # add below context in my.ini skip_ssl